Archives for 2018

Home Styles From Around the World

I love watching home makeover shows. It’s fascinating to see before-and-afters, but I also enjoy seeing the existing design of a home. I sometimes wonder how architects and interior designers come up with home styles. Today, we’re going to look at 21 house styles from around the world thanks to research from the team at RubberBond.



50 Ways To Relax Without Spending Any Money

Compared to previous generations, we have a wealth of information at our fingertips, but there is no doubt that we have developed some bad habits as well. Stress in particular has a huge impact on our bodies and health, and being on our phones all the time can’t help. Regardless of your background, both your home and work environments can be pretty stressful. Finding ways to healthily relax has never been more important than it is now.

8 Pieces of Furniture You’ll Keep Forever

If you’re just starting out in a new place, consider these furniture options that you can take with you to any new home

Investing in furniture for your first home, or anywhere you don’t expect to stay forever, can almost seem like a waste. Why spend money on pieces that might not fit in or go with your dream home down the road? Well, there are some pieces worth investing in as early as you can — furniture that will suit your home right now and that will easily find a place in your next house. Here are eight pieces you shouldn’t hesitate to add to even the smallest starter home.

How 2,000 People Define The American Dream

What does it mean to “make it” in the U.S.? In the land of opportunity, the American dream lives on — but the definition has changed over time.

What You Can Learn From Multi-Billionaire Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett is one of the richest men in the world — a net worth of $84 billion is hard to argue with. He’s an inspiration to business owners, entrepreneurs and people who want to succeed. But how did he become so successful, and what can you learn from it? Buffett, who is regularly heralded as the greatest investor of all time, is still plugging along at 87 years old with a list of accomplishments that began when he was only five. Buffet began his first business operation at that time when he bought and sold Chiclets gum for a profit. At 6, he moved on to packs of Juicy Fruit gum, selling them by the stick and making 2 cents per package. He used the same philosophy with six-packs of Coca-Cola, earning 5 cents for each pack he sold.

Home Prices Are Up 6.49% Across the Country [INFOGRAPHIC]

Are You Lost In The World Like Me?

I found this video a few weeks ago, so I thought I would share.

This video has been nominated in the film & animation category of the webby awards!

Top 10 Most Important Moments in Music History

Bob Dylan going electric. Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock. The Beatles on Ed Sullivan. Michael Jackson’s Moonwalk. Queen at Live Aid. Elvis Presley singing Hound Dog and gyrating his hips. Beethoven debuting his 9th Symphony. Nirvana on MTV Unplugged. All of these are influential moments in music history. Without moments like the Sugarhill Gang reaching the Top 40, we never would have had rappers like Kendrick Lamar or the Notorious B.I.G. Without Madonna performing Like a Virgin on the MTV Awards, we never would have had Britney Spears singing Baby One More Time. Music legends like Johnny Cash, The Who, Freddie Mercury and more mad moments that shaped music history, and changed modern music forever. WatchMojo is picking the most important moments in music history; check it out to see if your favorite music moments made the list!

Touche Expressive Instrument

The awesome Touche by Expressive E, is a compact, innovative expression controller designed for use with synthesizers, and allows you to control your sounds in ways you have never seen before.