Archives for August 2012

7 Side Effects of Social Media



The 36 Rules Of Social Media

36 rules of SM

The city of staples

Office boredom has reached new heights with this ingenious staple sculpture by British artist Peter Root.

It took approximately 100,000 staples to form Ephemicropolis, which makes you wonder who’s staring dumbfounded at the supply closet wondering where that last order went.

All kidding aside, here’s a video explaining the creation of this gleaming miniature city

The Ultimate Guide to Winning the Battle Against Mosquitoes

no mosquitoesOne of the ultimate buzz kills of a backyard BBQ is having party crashing, ankle biting, blood sucking mosquitoes as your “uninvited guests”. In addition to leaving their gift of an itchy bite in the most uncomfortable and hard to reach places their bites also leave a possibility of disease transmission. Take a look at these helpful hints for limiting their habitat on your property and other repellent options.

Remove Standing Water

Mosquitoes LOVE water because they require it to breed. This is why a rainy spring often leads to a mosquito filled summer. suggests these four tips:

Drill holes in the bottom, not the sides, of any garbage or recycling containers stored outdoors. Holes on the sides still allow enough water to accumulate in the bottom for mosquitoes to breed.

Keep gutters clean and unclogged. Be sure your downspouts drain properly, without leaving puddles in the drainage area. You may need to reroute your downspouts or add extensions to carry water away.

Keep swimming pools cleaned and chlorinated, even when not in use. Homeowners who go on vacation without chlorinating their pools may return to a veritable mosquito hatchery.

Dump anything that holds water twice per week if it has rained. Birdbaths, non-chlorinated wading pools, footbaths, garbage can lids, and pottery will all attract breeding mosquitoes. Remember to empty the saucers under your flower pots, and don’t leave water in pet bowls for more than two days.

Choose Your Lighting Wisely

Replace outdoor lights with yellow bulbs, which are less attractive to mosquitoes. Products such as tiki torches, citronella candles, and lanterns will keep the pests away from the immediate area where you’re dining al fresco. (

Guard Your Body

While some prefer to spray mosquito repellant others prefer an all-natural pest repellent. If you aren’t a fan of sprays like Off or Repel there are many natural DIY alternatives you can make yourself. One trick that has worked for me is sticking a Bounce® brand dryer sheet in each pocket. Something about these fabric softener sheets repels them…and bonus…it smells awesome!

Don’t Bother Trying These

According to Wayne J. Crans, Associate Research Professor in Entomology at Rutgers University, these often-touted mosquito solutions are not worth your time or money.

Bug zappers. Though the satisfying sizzle you hear from this modern day insect torture device will convince you it’s working, don’t expect much relief from backyard mosquitoes. According to Crans, biting insects (including mosquitoes) generally make up less than 1% of the bugs zapped in these popular devices. Many beneficial insects, on the other hand, do get electrocuted.

Citrosa plants. While citronella oil does have proven mosquito-repellent properties, the genetically-modified plants sold for this purpose do not. In tests by researchers, the test subjects bitten as often while surrounded by the Citrosa plants as without them. In fact, mosquitoes were observed landing on the leaves of Citrosa plants during the study.

Bats and/or purple martins. While both bats and the colonial purple martins will consume mosquitoes, the offending insects make up a small percentage of their natural diet. Assertions about these insectivores being effective mosquito controls grew out of misrepresented and misinterpreted data from unrelated studies. While providing habitat for bats and purple martins has its value, don’t do it if only to reduce your mosquito populations.

Electronic devices that transmit sounds to mimic male mosquitoes or dragonflies do not work. Crans goes so far as to suggest “the claims made by distributors border on fraud.”

Learn the Facts

Every kid remembers an adult trying to console them in the midst of an itching episode with “they like your blood because you are so sweet” but I always wondered if mosquitoes actually have a preference for their victims. I found this Are You A Mosquito Magnet Infographic pretty interesting and hope you do too!


How to Brand Yourself [infographic]

brandingAlright, alright, alright, it’s Monday and time to get this week under way, whether you want to or not. I’ve got a pretty cool infographic for ya’ll today, How People Look in Google and How to Look Better. Now you may be thinking I don’t do much on the internet besides Facebook and the like, there is nothing about me on Google. Well you’d be surprised, after I Googled myself then did an internet search I found there were several links relating to me and stuff I had done that I had no idea was on the internet. None of it is bad of course, being the saint that I am, but it was interesting to find things I had done back in Middle School posted on the internet.

Lucky for me the content that appears when I Google myself is positive but that is because of a conscious effort. When it comes to Google rankings the one link you should be truly concerned about is your top hit. However only half of people own their first link on a Google search with 1 in 4 having no positive content on their first page. If you’re a professional concerned with your image Linkedin is your best friend. It ranks highest in Google so you can provide that clean innocent image using that guy. Be careful with things like Youtube and Vimeo, even though Youtube is more popular Vimeo ranks higher. Everything you do on the internet really is archived. Be careful people and don’t say I didn’t warn you. [via]


Home builder accommodates multi-generational living

multi-generational-family-story-of-parents-moving-back-with-childrenFamilies are joining forces to cut down costs by living together, and builders are coming up with creative ways to accommodate their needs.

The rise of multi-generational living

Due primarily to the recession, families are joining forces and living together to save money on child care costs and grandparents care for the children, and college students are living at home rather than getting their own apartment, along with a host of other reasons. Many studies have revealed that this is becoming increasingly common, and builders have had the challenge to accommodate this living style by altering floorplans and adjusting their options. Builders and renovators can no longer simply assume two master suites will suffice, rather private entrances and the like need to be part of the package as if adding another house onto the same structure.

Lennar tackles the multi-generational puzzle

So what exactly does this house look like that has multiple generations living under one roof? How does a floor plan lay out when a graduate student is still living at home at age 23 or when your 81 year old mother has come to live with you because she’s alone, and she’s way too vibrant and healthy for a home?

Enter Lennar’s “NEXT GEN” home, the “home within a home,” which the builder calls a great solution for long-term guests, family members or anyone else who can utilize this innovative space. It’s a complete suite with bedroom, eat-in kitchenette and living room. It can be integrated into a home’s living space or kept as a private residence.”

Lennar is currently offering NEXT GEN homes in Arizona, California, Florida, Nevada, and South Carolina. Below is one of the available floorplans with the additional space highlighted in blue, which includes a private entrance, private garage, bedroom, bathroom, walk-in closet, kitchenette, living room, and even a private washer/dryer room. Also below is a sample elevation of the style of home offered:


nextgen elevation Home builder accommodates multi generational living

Lennar claims to be the first, but will not be the last builder to embark upon multi-generational housing, as our nation becomes more practical and sheds some of the excess of decades past.


Various ways to invest in real estate

Forbes-2009_08-03_Still_Get_Rich_in_Real_EstateForbes reporter Morgan Brennan shares insight on three ways to grow wealth in the housing market. Real estate investment trusts, turn key investment properties, and renting and managing homes as a traditional landlord are good options now and in the future. Watch the video for details.

The psychology of social networking [infographic]


Is social media about connecting or simply a collective case of narcissism infecting our culture? Here are some stats gathered by the folks at to help you decide.

The Internet 2002-2012: What a difference a decade makes

