8 Ways To Avoid Decision Fatigue

Our days are full of decisions. As soon as we hear the alarm early in the morning we have to decide whether we’ll snooze it or just get out of bed. By the end of the day, we’ve made so many choices that we may even experience decision fatigue.

40 Productivity Tips Used By High-Achievers

High-achievers tend to look like superheroes to the regular Joe. Science says they have the same 24 hours as everyone else, but they somehow manage to do a whole bunch of stuff many people just can’t find the time or energy to do on top of their regular workload.


If you’ve ever been the victim of a burglary, you know that terrible, sinking feeling all too well. You get home, and something is amiss. Maybe a door is ajar, or a window is broken. Someone has invaded your privacy, rifled through your belongings, and shattered your feeling of security.

If you’re lucky, the only things missing will be electronics, which can easily be replaced. The intruder may have also absconded with irreplaceable personal items – a treasured piece of jewelry, a sterling silver family heirloom, a camera with photos you haven’t downloaded yet. They haven’t just taken your belongings; they’ve also taken your peace of mind.

According to the FBI, there were nearly 1.6 million burglaries in 2015 – roughly one every 20 seconds. Of those, about 72 percent were residential burglaries. Read on to see which cities and states have the highest and lowest odds of burglaryand what 400 convicted burglars shared about their motives and methods.

Read the entire article here. courtesy of ADT.

How To Fold Clothes The Marie Kondo Way

Marie Kondo is all over the internet right now. She has a Netflix series called Tidying Up and is the author of a best-selling book. She’s a guru of home organization and an inspiration to many across the world. The best thing about her ways to tidy up is that they are honestly super easy, and they actually work.

The Evolution of Coffee Culture

A few decades ago, coffee in America meant a big communal pot of acrid, filtered slush that was omnipresent in every office and barely drinkable. It’s almost hard to remember with our present reality of cold-brewed, nitro-pressed coffee shops on every corner. Without a doubt, the journey that American society has undergone–becoming a nation of coffee fiends in the process–is a fascinating one.

Curiosity is a Superpower

Hollywood producer Brian Grazer’s grandmother changed his life when she told him curiosity would be his greatest attribute as long as he maintained the courage to use it. Grazer’s latest book, A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life (http://goo.gl/HxbfO2), maps his life’s journey of courage and curiosity.

Toronto Vs. Montreal

If you’re curious about the differences between Canada’s two largest cities, here’s a great video. There are some pronunciations that will make some of us Québecérs cringe. Yet worth the watch.

The Phycology Behind Font Choices

Whether you’re writing a letter to a friend or creating a website, paying attention to details is crucial.  The ways we put our words together and the colors we pick can all become a reflection of who we are.  It’s no surprise that even our favorite fonts can give clues about our personality.

In typography, most fonts that have similar elements are grouped into families.  The serif family includes typefaces that carry a small extra stroke (or line) that’s usually attached to a larger stroke.  The most notable representative of this group is the Times New Roman. If you want something traditional, this is the font for you.

Looking to keep things a little more modern?  Ditch the extra letter stroke and switch to sans serif family.  It seems like an unimportant detail, but it makes a world’s difference.  This group includes century gothic, which many perceive as chic.

For something totally different, you can browse through the display family.  This is where unique fonts like Cooper and Giddyup are sure to bring some playfulness to your text.

If you want to really express yourself and Arial just doesn’t cut it, don’t worry.  There are plenty of other fonts to choose from. Just make sure you don’t spend more time choosing one than actually using it.  

The Way Land Is Really Used Across The U.S

One thing that shocks many European tourists in the US is the sheer amount of space. It’s true: America has a lot of room, whether in the width of its streets, the size of people’s yards, and above all, its vast rural expanses. If you’ve ever found yourself thinking, ‘What does America do with all of that space?’, this infographic will open your eyes.