Which Musical Instrument Should I Play?

Top 10 Most Important Moments in Music History

Bob Dylan going electric. Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock. The Beatles on Ed Sullivan. Michael Jackson’s Moonwalk. Queen at Live Aid. Elvis Presley singing Hound Dog and gyrating his hips. Beethoven debuting his 9th Symphony. Nirvana on MTV Unplugged. All of these are influential moments in music history. Without moments like the Sugarhill Gang reaching the Top 40, we never would have had rappers like Kendrick Lamar or the Notorious B.I.G. Without Madonna performing Like a Virgin on the MTV Awards, we never would have had Britney Spears singing Baby One More Time. Music legends like Johnny Cash, The Who, Freddie Mercury and more mad moments that shaped music history, and changed modern music forever. WatchMojo is picking the most important moments in music history; check it out to see if your favorite music moments made the list!

Touche Expressive Instrument

The awesome Touche by Expressive E, is a compact, innovative expression controller designed for use with synthesizers, and allows you to control your sounds in ways you have never seen before.

The Best Streaming Services For Musicians

For artists, these platforms are more than the soundtrack for a fun night. The money a musician makes from a streaming service can be enough to live on, so it’s important to know which streaming service pays the most.

John Legend and Jesse Williams on Art and Activism

The Atlantic’s Adrienne Green sat down with Jesse Williams and John Legend for the cialis MLK special edition of the magazine to speak about their stances on racial injustice, the struggle for civil rights, and how artists can move the needle on both counts.

The sound that connects Stravinsky to Bruno Mars

If you listen to the first few seconds of Bruno Mars’ “Finesse” (hint: listen to the Cardi B remix) you’ll hear a sound that immediately creates a sense of 80s hip-hop nostalgia. Yes, Cardi B’s flow is very Roxanne Shante, but the sound that drives that nostalgia home isn’t actually from the 1980s. Robert Fink and the inventor of the Fairlight CMI, Peter Vogel, help me tell the story of the orchestra hit – a sound that was first heard in 1910 at the Paris Opera where the famed 20th century Russian composer Stravinsky debuted his first hit, The Firebird. The video below is, in short, a history of the original orchestra hit sample from The Firebird Suite to the 1982 hit “Planet Rock” to “Finesse.” And as a treat, here’s a playlist of way more songs with orchestra hits than you probably wanted.

I love the scene where Herbie Hancock is showing Quincy Jones the fairlight.

Oddball – The Drum Machine Crammed in a Ball

Oddball is a drum machine you can bounce off walls to make beats! Currently crowdfunding on Kickstarter, Oddball is a drum machine encased in a bouncy ball you can throw at any surface. The ball behaves as the percussion trigger, and sensors inside translate noise via Bluetooth to a dedicated app. The harder you bounce it the more intense the sound, the lighter you bounce it the more delicate. Users can play around with beats, looping them to make original tunes, or even adding them to existing tracks and share their creations. For more advanced users, the round instrument also works as a MIDI controller in apps like Ableton, Logic Pro, Pro Tools, and Garageband. Oddball can easily be recharged over USB, and includes an app preloaded will all kinds of effects. watch the video below

The Classic Four Chord Arrangement That Makes Pop Songs So Catchy

I found this wonderful video from Ethen that explores the four chord arrangement found in most pop music, how it is rooted in classical music, and why it makes music so catchy.

The Benefits of Playing a Musical Instrument

See how playing a musical instrument can improve your life!

source: GuitarLessons.org