The Kitchen of the Future

kitchen of the futureA new survey reveals global kitchen trends with staying power

What will the kitchen of tomorrow look like? Just ask the people building and planning the kitchens of today. With that in mind, we asked homeowners in 11 countries — the U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain, Sweden and Denmark — through a series of discussions, polls, surveys and interviews to describe the ins and outs of kitchen projects they had recently completed, have underway or are planning to start in the next three months.

Houzz data shows that 41 percent of homeowners are remodeling kitchens that are 16 to 30 years old. With nearly 9,000 people responding to Houzz’s most recent kitchen survey — 85 percent had completed or worked on their kitchen project in 2015 and the rest planned to start in early 2016 — that means their choices in layout, materials, storage and special features offer insight into trends you’ll no doubt see in kitchens for years to come.

Clever Ways to Hide a Laundry Station

laundry thumbWhen you don’t have a whole room to devote to the wash, use these solutions to tuck the machines out of view

Don’t have the luxury of a vast laundry room for stashing your washer and dryer? Here are some of my favorite ideas for hiding your laundry workstation so that it’s there when you need it — and out of sight when you don’t.

10 Ways to Add Personality to Your Kitchen

Screen Shot 2015-10-15 at 2.36.56 PMQuirky little details, unexpected ingredients and smart styling help give a kitchen its own identity

One of our favorite spaces in the house, the kitchen can also be one of the most predictable. After all, it typically contains some countertop space, a few appliances and lots of storage. But a little imagination and some inventive styling can softly steer this room toward a look filled with personality. These smart details — some of them integral to the design, some added later — bring a fresh, original feel to a much-loved room.

25 Design Trends Coming to Homes Near You in 2016

2016 trendsFrom black stainless steel appliances to outdoor fabrics used indoors, these design ideas will be gaining steam in the new year

The modern home is always evolving. And to get an idea of what it’s evolving to, look no further than what’s happening within its walls today. With that in mind, we delved into our New This Week series, sifting through Houzz discussions and data to find out what materials, strategies and concepts will be coming to more homes in 2016.

9 Places to Put the Microwave in Your Kitchen

Screen Shot 2015-10-09 at 10.55.06 AMSee the pros and cons of locating your microwave above, below and beyond the counter

The classic kitchen work triangle organizes foot traffic from the fridge to the sink to the stove, in an attempt to make cooking and preparing meals flow more smoothly. But what about the other major, although sometimes smaller, appliances that many of us use every day? Take the microwave, for example. You can place a microwave high, low, out of sight or within easy reach, and there are pros and cons for every choice. Here’s a look at those advantages and disadvantages, so you can figure out the kitchen configuration that’s right for you.

10 Quick Ways to Cozy Up Your Home for Winter

fireplace thumbShopping your house and doing a little rearranging can make those long, cold nights a lot more enjoyable

I don’t know about you, but days that get shorter and shorter bring my mood down — it’s too dark to go for an early-evening walk and the hours until bedtime seem to stretch out before me. However, I’ve found some ways to enjoy this time by cozying up my house for the coming cold months — without, I should clarify, spending any money. Here are some of the easy things I do to create a warm ambiance that I hope will help you cozy up your own nest.

The Habits of Home: Energy Savings

Here are some staggering statistics about just how much energy the average household uses and how seemingly simple changes can make a big difference on your electric bill. This infographic breaks it down, room by room.the-habits-of-home--interacting-with-your-energy

10 Things You Didn’t Think Would Fit in a Small Kitchen

Screen Shot 2015-08-26 at 12.32.29 PMDon’t assume you have to do without those windows, that island, a home office space, your prized collections or an eat-in nook

I am learning so much by checking out Houzz photos from all over the world. For instance, I’d forgotten just how many European families get by with what we Americans would consider “a dorm room fridge.” Rather than stocking up on a decade’s worth of pretzels and cereal at Costco, a lot of Europeans pick up just 24 hours’ worth of fresh food at a time. This is why we’re seeing so many stylish small kitchens submitted to Houzz from across the pond — a double-size refrigerator and a walk-in pantry are of no use to most people over there.

Of course, plenty of Americans also have small kitchens. We’re just so used to seeing kitchen spaces larger than our entire homes that we don’t realize we can incorporate some of their great features into our modest nooks and galleys. You might not realize you have room to chop to your heart’s content, include an eat-in space or even set up a home office. Check out these 10 small-kitchen extras for inspiration.

How to Create Better Flow in Your Home

Screen Shot 2015-08-26 at 12.30.27 PMLearn how much room to allow for furniture, and tricks you can use to make the most of a tight space

Someone once said that a well-designed space is like a good pair of shoes: If you’re wearing a good pair of shoes, you don’t even notice that you have them on your feet. But if you’re wearing a bad pair of shoes, you notice them every step of the way. Interiors work the same way.

If you haven’t considered the circulation space around your furniture, cupboards and built-ins, you will feel it with every step you take. You’ve probably encountered poor room circulation at some point: bumping into corners while walking around furniture, dinner guests standing up to let others slide through, stepping sideways to get to your toilet, not being able to open your doors all the way. If any of these situations exist in your own home, it’s a pretty easy fix. Here are some ways to achieve better flow in your space.