Archives for June 2014

To-Dos: Your June Home Checklist

Screen Shot 2014-06-02 at 7.53.07 AMMake summer easy by getting your home and outdoor gear in shape now

June is here, and it’s time to get in the swing of summer. Whether you are watching your kids say goodbye to another year of school, scheduling a major home improvement project (like painting the house), or just looking forward to some much-deserved time hanging out on the porch, these to-dos will help get your home and yard in shape so you can fully savor the months ahead.

Investing in student housing


Looking to invest in student housing? Click below to watch the video and listen as Al Rabil of Kayne Anderson Real Estate Advisors LLC – the largest private buyer of student housing in the U.S. – explains the markets they go after and why:

So Over Stainless in the Kitchen? 14 Reasons to Give In to Color

Screen Shot 2014-05-28 at 11.10.25 AMColorful kitchen appliances are popular again, and now you’ve got more choices than ever. Which would you choose?

Those who survived the invasion of avocado-green and harvest-gold appliances in the 1970s are still trepidatious about using strong color on kitchen appliances. In the 1980s we clung to white and sometimesblack, and sometime during the 1990s, stainless steel took over as the must-have finish for appliances. Next we started to hide the appliances, camouflaging refrigerators and dishwashers with panel fronts that matched the cabinetry.

In typical fashion, now things are swinging back. Home cooks are proud of their appliances and want to make them stand out. Once only offered by a few companies, a wide range of appliance color options are now being offered by many manufacturers.

How to Install a Wood Fence

Screen Shot 2014-05-28 at 11.07.12 AMGain privacy and separate areas with one of the most economical fencing choices: stained, painted or untreated wood

Each frame speaks to the masterpiece it contains, and in your home’s yard, the way you surround your landscape can be both an accent and a solution to needs for containment and privacy. A wood fence is a versatile choice, offering picket pageantry and modern styling, as well as endless opportunities for customization. It also happens to be one of the most economically viable ways to wrap your yard, and an achievable DIY project. I talked with Bridget Lowing of Fence Consultants of West Michigan to find out how to install one right.