13 Ways to Allergy-Proof Your Home

woman sneezing

A Cure for the Itchy, Sneezy, Stuffy Head

Sneeze much lately? Is your throat scratchy? Eyes watering, too? You’re not alone: Allergies affect more than 20 percent of Americans. Medications can help relieve allergy symptoms, but removing irritants from your home is a much more effective way to stop your stuffy nose, headache, itchy eyes, and shortness of breath, according to the Allergy and Asthma Network/Mothers of Asthmatics (AANMA). Read on for the most effective ways to clear the air.

Find Out What You’re Allergic to First

Visiting an allergist will help you focus your preventative measures. The most common offenders are dust mites, mold, pollens, and pet dander. "There’s no point in making changes at home if you don’t address your particular allergies," says Laurie Ross, editor of Allergy and Asthma Today. "Who knows, you might be allergic to cats, and here you are keeping your windows closed."


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