Giant fridge magnets provide kitchen makeover in minutes


2_7If you haven’t come to terms with that bisque monstrosity living in your kitchen, but can’t quite afford the upgrade you covet, why not drop $99 and get the fridge you always dreamed of but never thought you’d have.

Kudu Magnets offers a large variety of instant makeover magnets, and for right now, they’re even offering free shipping.

You spend a lot of time and money on kitchen design: solid-wood cupboards, fancy marble, ceramic stovetop, and – amidst all that beauty – the fridge, plastered with assorted magnets you brought from different countries and post-it notes, all in all absolutely not fitting the design concept of the kitchen. Now, imagine you can choose any (and we mean, any) kind of design for the front panel of your fridge, and change it daily if you wish to .





Keep the stainless, we’ll take the art.

Full story at Kudu Magnets via Trendhunter.