Marketing Strategy



Professional Photography Services 

The most critical component of marketing properties, requires high-quality photography.
Differentiation: sets the home apart from competing listings.
92.8 percent of homebuyers report using the Internet to look for a home.
Homes with 20 or more photos, receive 15 times the showings as homes with fewer photos.
Statistically, homes sell faster for a higher price.

Movies Of The Selling Features 

Establish an emotional connection with music, narration and movement.
Offers buyers the ability to understand the floorplan and flow of the property.
Differentiation: less than 10% of listings offer true video (not a slide show).
Buyers stay longer viewing listings with video – then they actually visit home.
Storytelling is the most effective way to connect with buyers.

Your Unique Property Website 

Communicate the possibilities, via web 2.0 experience, that connects to buyers.
Home owner’s participation enhances marketing since they know the area best.
Community videos (parks, restaurants, shopping, etc) – creates a compelling online experience.
Viral Marketing portal and peek into the property and neighborhood.


Facebook Property Page

Promotes your home’s amenities to potential buyers.
Update relevant listing status, post community events, photos, videos, etc.
Allows Sellers to participate in the marketing of the features of the home and community.
Ability to send updates to subscribers and invite new members.



High-Gloss Full Color Brochures

A great “take-away” for the buyers.
Make your property stand out compared to the others viewed.
Buyers take brochures home and dream of the possibilities of living in their new home.