Young billionaire says I do

Mark Zuckerberg is settling down in Palo Alto. Known for being a month-to-month renter, the young billionaire has just purchased a house for $7 million, located about 10 minutes from Facebook’s new campus in Menlo Park, according to Silicon Valley’s Mercury News.

For a guy who says he found all his rental houses on Craigslist, the new property purchase is a departure. The 5,617 square foot home features a few amenities — outdoor gazebo, salt-water swimming pool, spa, and most luxurious of all, a carport.

According to Mercury News, Tyler Winklevoss (famous for suing Zuckerberg for stealing the idea of Facebook) once described his old Harvard classmate as “the poorest rich person I’ve ever seen in my life.” Zuckerberg remains in solid tech company in Palo Alto, where Steve Jobs and Larry Page also reside. However, this millennial may have the humblest abode of the trio.