Don’t you just want to sometimes change something in the room without actually doing much? If so these quick interior makeover ideas will help you with that. While you could change your room color or shade in almost an instance for a makeover sometimes there are too little funds or time for dealing with the paint, covering every inch of the room to protect from the paint drop or spillage. So here are a few ways you could change you interior design considerably without spending a penny or much time.
Furniture Rearrangement
The way you arrange or rearrange furniture can make a big difference in the whole interior design. Since furniture is such a big part of home decor you may consider starting your makeover with rearranging it. The great thing about this is that you get to experiment a lot with the angles, arrangement and create the whole new atmosphere in the room.
Change of Lighting
Change the lighting position in the room. Swap light sources and add focus on areas that were hidden before. This will give your interior an instant makeover as the lighting plays a great part at highlighting and hiding objects. Thus you’ll be able to find a new light focus and create a different mood and atmosphere in the room.
Handmade is great and handy when it comes to interior design and home decor. Recycle old junk, furniture, accessories and objects to create something new and add it as an accent and detail to your interior. You can sew new interesting pillow cases for your sofa’s throw pillows, redecorate the old curtains, and use patchwork to make a new coverlet for a room. If you are into art then creating a wall art of your own right on the wall or drawing a painting to hang on the wall can be not only great as a makeover for your interior but also as an outlet for your creativity.